Friday, May 17, 2013

Brazilian Waxing VS Brazilian IPL

Brazilian Waxing: Revive Wellness
Brazilian IPL: Musee Platinum Tokyo

Painful during treatment;
Need to maintain after treatment to prevent ingrowns (scrub, moisturize);
Ingrowns often occur on me (which I seriously hate, the itch!);
Clean and clear at that area for 1-2 days and start to grow (same as before) in less than 3 days (my hair growth is quite rapid).

Pain-free (the zaps are similar to light rubber band snaps);
No ingrowns occur at all;
No maintenance required (if you want it smooth, do scrub and apply suitable lotion to it too);
Results seen after 1st treatment (really awesome, sparse and finer).

Be it brazilian or any parts of the body, the effects are the same as above, just that the time required for the effect to take place is different (depending on how often you shave it before the treatment).

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